Thursday, November 14, 2013

Manage your iOS Certificates

Yes it sucks, and it sucks even more that what should "just work" doesn't especially when it comes to managing certificates... maybe this faq support page will help troubleshoot any issues you have...

Why one Android Developer uses an iPhone

If you're reading my Blog, it's likely because you are an iOS developer, I often find myself chatting it up with an Android fan whom will tell me why I should switch or why I should build for Android... but finding the following post was quite humorous, but also nails why I too moved away from Android to iOS.

"The first time I bought an iPhone actually happened some time before that. MIUI had just come out for the Droid 2 and I was experimenting with it and some other ROMs. At some point late at night I bricked my phone. I was out of ideas for what to do to fix it, so the next afternoon I went down to my Verizon store. I knew what to expect, but I still looked down the shelves of Android phones. Not one of them appealed to me. I was facing phones like the Droid Charge, the Droid 3, and the Thunderbolt. Within a few minutes I wandered over the the iPhone 4 and told the Verizon clerk I wanted one."

Friday, September 27, 2013

Collapsable Table View for iOS

if you're trying something new with UITableView namely a way to collapse it's display, checkout:

How to cheat at blocks (for iOS)

Christopher Pickslay of Two Bit Labs:
Blocks are an incredibly powerful addition to Objective-C, introduced in iOS 4. However, their syntax can be maddeningly difficult to remember.
And with that, Christopher created a blocks cheatsheet.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Tutorials will help you gain new skills. If you don't already know about Ray Wenderlich's site and his tutorials, then I highly recommend you check them out.

This tutorial is exactly what beginners may be looking for.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Retina icons are all the rage!

Are you always searching for the iOS default image sizes? Me too, I keep coming back to these pages :)

as a super quick cheat sheet here are the icons I keep building out in Photoshop (if you have a quick way to export from photoshop in one fell swoop let me know in the comments :) )

DescriptioniOSicon SizeRetina @2x
SpotLight5, 629pt58pt
Settings5, 6, 729pt58pt

DescriptioniOSicon SizeRetina @2x

extra icons:
16pt (32pt @2x), 32pt (64pt @2x), 128pt (256pt @2x), 256pt (512pt @2x), 512pt (1024pt @2x)

so my spotlight icon might be myapp16.png and myapp16@2x.png

Apple Docs:

If you are using Photoshop you can start you templates off of this guide:

Also useful, Retina Graphics...

So you generally create your app icons according to the docs above, if you name your icons with an @2x then using them within your app makes it extremely simple.

the SDK handles it for you. "or it just works" which ever reference you prefer.

simply reference your images by just the name without the extension and review your results:

example: My images are named myCustomImageIcon.png and myCustomImageIcon@2x.png  I used the sizes as per the docs above to leverage auto-swapping between standard icons and retina icons.

[myUIButtonExample setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"myCustomImageIcon"] forState:UIControlStateNormal];

This is super useful for my users who are using iPad2s, iPad3s and iPad minis.

Have fun!